Paul Gilroy                   


A. N. Mpeke, 04.05.2007 (London UK)

Coafrwo is the Contemporary African World, the new African concept developed by A.N. Mpeke (2007). It is a new vision that should enable all Africans descendents to identify and recognise themselves as belonging to a same people/community/world sprayed all over the five continents in heterogeneous settlements. Within these settlements, lives being (Africans descendents) that have and are contributing to flourish the humanity in all aspect that it entails through their experiences. Coafrwo is the recognition of their presence and the identification of their geographical location.

I simply believe that time has come for the Contemporary African World to emerge and provide to all Contemporary African descendents a space in which they will belong, proud to be and contribute in the development of their settlements and of the territory where they have settled or have been obliged to do so as well as of the Coafrwo, our world. Coafrwo have emerged from our imaginary to become our imagined world in the world where we are forced to live embody with a 'double consciousness', as Paul Gilroy borrow the concept from his predecessor W. E. Dubois by claiming that it is the best-established 'resolution of a familiar problem which points towards the core dynamic of racial oppression as well as the fundamental antinomy of Diaspora blacks '(Gilroy, 2003). In the same perspective he outlines Richard Wrights notion of 'dreadful objectivity' (1953: 29 in Gilroy 2003) by interrogating the doubleness which derive from being both inside and outside the West, which affected the political movements against racial oppression and towards black autonomy. Indeed we want to be inside and outside as the fate wanted it. Nonetheless, in this 21 st century I believe that it is better to have the option to be inside an imaged world linking existing world in which you belong to through your history and your culture. The arrival of cyber technology and the World Wide Web have enabled creation of imaged world around strong religious beliefs. It was just justice that black people, African descendants embrace this reality that will be a decisive move in our evolvement as a sole people/community/ world.

To materialise this challenging objective, we have at first to dispose our self in a reflective thinking position in which for instance we should ask to our self who we are; where we are coming from and what are our future prospects where we have settled down or have been forced to do so.

Coafrwo is our new world, where we value our self through our vibrant contribution in community where we are living. Coafrwo is our new world where we shine with a humanistic attitude of unconditional positive perception of each other and the compulsory need to exchange among our self and others.

I want to be connected to my people in the North and the South America, the Caribbean's Island, Africa, Australia, and whenever where they are settled to rebuild the link that will enable us to approach the 21 st century with more strength and optimism.

The first step of this realisation is the recognition that we belong to the Contemporary African World, Coafrwo and that we are proud to be where we are and ready the make the most of it by being Coafrwologists. I mean a new way of defining ourselves in the world. As now we have an alternative to offer ouserlf a new identity, whenever 'out' as Gilroy mentioned, we are also 'inside' our imaged world, the Coafrwo and proud to study ourselves through the Coafrwology. How great it is to feel so close to all of you through out for instance this online revolutionary community and web site such as

Our new nation is born and we shall be proud to belong to a new entity of African descendants sprayed in the world ready to transform positively once again their experience to fundamentally influence what will deeply transform our self as well as the community where we are living and further more the all humanity.

Wherever you move, move with your Contemporary African World, Coafrow and show the attitude of Coafrwologist: unconditional positive perception of each other, recognition, acceptance, exchange, support and respect.


Gilroy, P. (2003), The Black Atlantic: Modernity and Double-Consciousness. Massachusetts: Harvard University Press:

Mpeke. A. N. (2007) The Contemporary African World Coafrwo: an African New Paradigm for the 21s century. Myspace/coafrwo (Online). Available at: Accessed:(04. 0. 2007)



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